December 16, 2014

Appreciating The Artistry of Voice: A Hauntingly Beautiful Holiday Song.


Once in a while, we hear a piece of music that is so haunting and enchanting that it almost defies classification.

This seasonal rendition of Mary Did You Know? by Pentatonix was such a piece for me. Take a listen and see if you agree.

Isn’t there something mesmerizing in this musical tapestry of voices? Something ethereal and sumptuous as you listen all cuddled up by the fire with your spiced cider and roasted chestnuts?

What is it about the human voice that is so beguilingly captivating?

An affectation here; an inflection or intonation there, can completely transform the simplest and prosaic of statements into a message that packs a punch or wakes us up.

The subtle nuances of language, idiom and dialect, are phonetically and culturally fascinating in their complexity and variety—and that’s just the spoken word.

The musical voice, from the exalted heights of operatic soprano to the caressing tones of an ancient indigenous lullaby, has the capacity to form a universal pastiche of staggering beauty that, in its many hues and colors, contributes something uniquely enriching to the human enterprise.

The musicality and artistry of the human voice, in its propensity to uplift, inspire, heal, soothe and enchant, is truly an amazing phenomenon—and one that will never cease to invoke wonder in the hearts of those who truly listen.

In a world beleaguered by war, division and unquantifiable poverty, it behooves us, I believe, this holiday season, to let the transcendent gift of musical voice transport us, if only momentarily, to a place of ethereal beauty and possibility.

Happy Holidays!




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Author: Gerard Murphy

Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: YouTube Still

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