Fluorescent ceilings
Chalk white walls
We are information vacuums;
Forced to conform
100 dollar concealers
On sleep starved eyes
Cotton candy blushes;
Bringing faces back to life
Depending on caffeine;
Our liquid methamphetamine
And five minute escapes
Through nicotine daydreams
Super saver lunches;
Acid-rain stained cars
Book weights on our wrist
As we exhale tar
Concrete alarm clocks;
Fists full of hair
Withering under midnight deadlines
And overpriced parking fares
Aging parents
Heating-pad wrapped knees
Raising grade point averages
So they’ll retire relieved
We are your sisters
Your daughters, your friends
With Ritalin-laced bloodstreams
Fighting for our futures, with no end
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Author: Naomi Paige Hon
Editor: Catherine Monkman
Photo: Mike Lay/Flickr
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