January 21, 2015

I am not here to fix you. {Poem}



*Dear elephant reader: if you’re single & looking for mindful dating or conscious love, try out our lovely partner, MeetMindful.


I am not here to entertain you
I am not here to fix you
I am not here to rescue, heal or revive you
I am not here to be talked at
I am not here to give you all my energy
I am not here to make your story my own
I am not here to just listen
I am not here to make you whole
I am not here to make you happy
I am not here to make it all dissipate
I am not here to distract you from the tedious and mundane
I am not here to mask your sadness and feed your insecure heart
I am not here to hold your hand
I am not here to be a band aid
I am not here to give you all of me

I am here to love you strongly
I am here to love you equally
I am here to be an addition to the joy you already have
I am here to rest in, but not collapse into
I am here to support you, hear you, see you
I am here to make love to you
I am here to love you sweetly and gently and ferociously
I am here to make stories with you
I am here to challenge you
I am here to grow beside you



I Want a Love. {Poem}

We Are Not Here to Fix Each Other.


Author: Janne Robinson 

Editor: Rachel Nussbaum

Photo: Author’s Own 

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