February 11, 2015

This is what Comedy Central said about Jon Stewart retiring from The Daily Show.

war jon stewart xmas


**Update via The New York Times: Jon Stewart and ‘The Daily Show’: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at 9 Essential Moments. 


@elephantjournal on twitter: NOOOO oohhhh Breaking: Comedy Central confirms ‪#‎JonStewart‬ leaving ‪#‎TheDailyShow‬

Jon Stewart has purchased a farm in New Jersey with the intention of spending his “retirement” to provide a sanctuary for farm animals rescued from cruelty (x-post from r/DailyShow)

“Stewart let the news slip during this evening’s taping of the show.”

“I can’t believe we’ll have to face the 2016 election without him…”

jon stewart thanksgiving christmas

Jon, say it ain’t so!

We need you. Your country needs you. Seriously!

His retiring, and so soon, is sad, bad news for mindfulness and transparency in an America with an already-badly-weakened fourth estate (press). As the jester in the King’s court, fake news has delivered more real news than most real news for the better part of the last 15 years or so. From Bush to Obama, Jon has been there for America with compassion, humor, and insight.

With thanks and best wishes—


for more: This one line of a genuinely-pained Jon Stewart on the Eric Garner murder by the NYPD stuck with me.

45th? Two of the best Jon Stewart videos I’ve ever seen.

The best minute of Jon Stewart I’ve seen in a long time.

Jon Stewart vs. Chris Christie? No. This is a genuine debate. {Video}

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