February 19, 2015

Ultra Running, Fun or Dumb? {Video}



I love running!

Since I was a boy, I participated in summer track, Bolder Boulders, and jumped in every local race my mom would allow. I was faster than most in my early years and this is what motivated me—I really liked winning.

However, as the years went on, running became a way to simply be outside and enjoy nature. I didn’t take it as seriously, the winning at least, and it became much more enjoyable.

I’ve recently started to run ultra races (anything longer than a marathon) and I love it! This past weekend I ran, and filmed, the Moab Red Hot 55k. It was the longest run of my life. My emotions ranged from: I love this, I hate this, I’m high on life, this really sucks, life is beautiful, I’m never running again, my legs feel like shit, I want my mommy and finally ending with a huge sigh of relief and feeling of accomplishment at the finish line.

I love the mental and physical challenge of running. The final few miles, as I was hobbling at grandpa pace, I vowed never to put myself through this type of pain again. However, not 20 minutes after the race, I was planning my next run with new friends, the high of finishing and drinking beer erased the painful memories. Onto the next one…

This video will give you a good idea of my experience.


Author: Ryan van Duzer
Editor: Catherine Monkman
Photo: Author’s Own, Youtube Screenshot


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