April 22, 2015

Where Does the Time Go?

Poetry writing

The month of May marks my one-year anniversary of writing for Elephant Journal.

It never occurred to me to share my words beyond the monthly newsletter that I send out to my yoga students. After receiving many encouraging virtual and in-person replies on the days following the release of my newsletter, I decided to write for a broader audience. I am grateful for the encouragement.

Over the past year, I’ve written 65+ articles across five different online publications. Each time I write something new, I marvel at the fact that I still have more to say!

I am now focusing my attention on writing a book about my mom. Most of it will come from a collection of journal entries I wrote when she was sick. I filled over five journals in less than two years. The task of transferring all of those heavy, triggering words to one Word document has felt too daunting. I’ve gone in spurts, working little by little to organize my writing, but haven’t made much progress in the two years since her death.

And now I’ve got a baby on the way, due in a few short weeks. So when will this book be finished?

Where does the time go?

I spend a lot of time sleeping.
Preparing and eating food.
Teaching yoga.
Practicing yoga.
Writing articles.
Watching Netflix.
Snuggling with my dog.
Cruising Facebook.
Playing games on my phone.
Taking quizzes like “How Your Finger Length Reveals Your Personality!”
Texting my husband every single little thought I have in the day.
These days, financial planning.
Reading parenting articles.
Getting the nursery ready.
And randomly crying from the hormones and weight of it all.

This is the way I have chosen to spend my time. Everyone has the same hours in the day. Some find ways to get things done that seem impossible. Most of us have the potential to be one of those “get shit done” type of people, but we either lack motivation or fear the outcome of our hard work. What will it bring? Success or failure. And what do those words even mean?

We sit in limbo because we forget that everything changes. We forget we’re mortal and that our precious time to do our most important work is limited. We grow tired, lose passion, shift priorities for survival and dreams slip away. And then regret sets in. Bitterness. Resentment toward the people in our life that we can blame for blocking us from our true purpose.

I don’t want this to be my fate.

It’s time to travel.
Spend time in nature.
Dance, sing, hula hoop.
Try new things.
Connect with the people I love without the use of a screen.
Worry less and trust more.
It’s time to finish the book.

And still get plenty of sleep.



Embracing Change.


Author: Megan Ridge Morris

Editor: Evan Yerburgh

Image: Used with permission from Jes Wright

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