June 24, 2015

A Sex Lesson from the Future. {Amazing Video}

sex ed from the future

In this poignant, hilarious TED talk, Tony Award-winning monologist and playwright Sarah Jones presents an excerpt of her new solo show, Sell/Buy/Date.

Her performance is a stunning display of theatrical skill and social commentary, presenting five perspectives on the sex industry through five original characters: an elderly woman, a freshman in College majoring in “sex work studies,” a West Indian escort, a former Irish prostitute and a young man at his bachelor party. It is worth watching just to witness the ease and dexterity with which Jones assumes her various personas, and for the brilliant comedy of her writing.

By presenting these monologues in the context of a futuristic classroom where gender binaries, Barbie dolls and shame are the stuff of history textbooks, she offers rare insight into the world we live in today.

The cultural norms of our generations will be the risible history of the future.

Very funny, extremely revealing and masterfully presented, this performance is worth every single minute of your time:


For the full transcript, click here.


Relephant Read:

Sex Worker Spirituality. {Adult}


Author: Toby Israel

Editor: Caroline Beaton

Photo: Youtube

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