June 28, 2015

Brave Female Paralympic Rower: Oksana Masters in ESPN Body Issue [Nude]

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She overcame so much, to stand—yes, stand—at the top of her class.

Half a Body—Full Heart—Can’t Lose!

Oksana Masters: the ESPN 2012 Body Issue.

>>> Climber Nation, grab a seat: it’s Chris Sharma Nude Alert.

espn body nude athlete

Oksana Masters: born in Ukraine with radiation-related birth defects that eventually resulted in her having her legs amputated after she was adopted and brought to the US.

Here’s her USRowing bio: http://www.usrowing.org/pressbox/athletebios/oksanamasters

She was featured in ESPN Body Issue and many of them are nude (NSFW).

The ESPN Body Issue is meant to show the incredible form of many of today’s most popular athletes. It just goes to show you how in shape each of these athletes has to be in to perform the amazing the feats they do. That’s enough talking, let’s get to the bodies…

>>> male Paralympic athlete from ESPN Body (nsfw)

Appreciate the preciousness of this life: carpe diem!

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