June 29, 2015

Dear Human: Take Care of Yourself.

annabelle article photo
Dear Human,

Take care of yourself.

Nourish your body with that which feeds every part of your being.

Move your body in a way that makes you feel empowered, yet soft and open in that strength.

Lean into your emotions. Unravel them. Let them unravel you. In the words of Brene Brown, “We cannot selectively numb emotion.”

Lean into fear to discover joy.

Lean into grief to open the doors to Love.

When your heart is broken in a way that you couldn’t conceive of in the world of yesterday, tend to yourself. Take care of you like you would take care of a child. Be soft and gentle. Drink water. Rest whenever you can. Have reverence for your process, yet be open to connection with others—as this is how we heal the most.

Take care of yourself so sweetly, so gently.

Pick away at all your layers until you find your core:

your gorgeous, beating heart.

Settle in here. Get cozy. Then get out of your own way, so that you allow yourself to radiate outward with such a whole heart that you can take care of others.

But please remember, dear human, please first take care of yourself.


Relephant Read:

Read this When You Don’t Feel Good Enough.


Author: Annabelle Vincent

Editor: Emily Bartran

Photo: Used with permission via Shawn Rae 

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