June 19, 2015

Feed my Hungry Spirit.



I don’t need you to tell me the things I want to hear.

I want you to tell me the things I need to hear.

Call me on my bullshit and I’ll call you on yours.

Because our love, it’s a solid one—built of bricks that have been broken and in breaking, they’ve become home to a brilliant flower garden.

This flower garden—it’s ripe with magnificence.

It’s full of fragrant gardenias and lilies and hydrangeas so blue you’d swear they were made from slices of sky.

Because our love, it’s born of fertile soil, containing the rich clay of our past mistakes, struggles, successes, smiles and wounds.

We’re both a little broken, darling, shattered in all the wrong places—but that’s what makes us so perfect for each other.

We always promised to be real.

Let’s keep that promise.

Promise to tell me when I’m needlessly anxious or snotty or driving you crazy as f*ck.

Promise to see behind my flimsy fake smiles and know when my laughter should really be tears.

I promise to do the same.

Don’t feed my heart hollow, pretty lies, for their emptiness will only will make me withered and thirsty.

Feed my hungry spirit with buck-naked vulnerability and honesty so raw it breaks my world apart, shaking loose the leaves of bullshit from the dark recesses of my mind.

Please, darling.

Place the pearls of your perfectly flawed being into my heart’s mouth.

I’m ready.

Because I don’t want a perfect love.

I want your love.



Relephant Read:

Let’s get Real…You and I, shall We?


Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Renee Jahnke

Image: Alycia Kosonic-Flickr

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