August 22, 2015

Transforming Pain into Power.


Gather all your pain
And place it in your heart, sweet one.

Every shattered piece of stinging heartbreak.
Every word you meant to say, but didn’t.
Every feeling left numb, raw, and unexpressed.
Every drop of anger that simmers quietly beneath your chest.

Feel it.
Don’t be afraid.
It’s powerful.

Every tear contains a gallon of truth
Every anxious thought
And sweaty palm
And horrible day
Is worth something.
They’re pearls,
Diamonds, if you’re brave enough to hold them in your hands.
So, hold them.

Don’t run away.
Don’t leave yourself alone in this fragile place.
Slip into something more uncomfortable and stay awhile.
Be gentle.
And show up for yourself, sweet one.

Suffering is just beauty that hasn’t been sculpted into art yet.
Pain is just strength that’s sleeping inside your bones.
Do you know how much raw energy lives inside the parts of you that ache?
Find out.

Travel into the throbbing past
Into every moment that you thought would break you
Every moment where you felt lost, helpless, shattered, or afraid.
And take back your power.
Take it, taste it!
It’s yours.
Feel every salty tear as it splashes onto your chin.
And feel your glittering power return to you.
Take it, taste it!
It’s yours.

Damn, you are strong.

By staying for even one second, in the swirling hurricane of your pain,
You will transform aching waters of stubborn hurt into
Turquoise seas of nectar-filled possibilities.
By owning the agony that’s buried inside your chest,
You will transform brokenness into
Juicy roots of brilliant new life.

By showing up for yourself in the raw, terrifying moments,
You will rise,
Stronger, braver, wiser
And more magnificent than ever.

Take back your power, sweet one.
Take it, taste it!

It’s yours.





Author: Sarah Harvey

Editor: Renée Picard 

Photo: Flickr

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