August 17, 2015

We Were Wild Once.


We were wild once you know.

We howled without embarrassment,
we cried out for what we needed,

We did not know our skin color mattered because
our hearts pumped so perfectly.

We did not know looks were important because
we saw smiles instead of symmetry.

We did not know judgement because
we were too busy being curious.

I wonder if we can take off our otherness now and then
(and hang it in the closet next to our fears & judgements & inadequacies)
and just sit here

You and me in our strong bones,
listening to our beating hearts,
asking our questions that have no answers

Maybe in this magic moment we will feel the urge to howl
and not care what we sound like.

When it is time for us to part I hope we
put on our otherness slowly,

So that perhaps we see our laugh lines instead of our wrinkles,
our sameness instead of our differences,
our humanity instead of our insanity,

Maybe we walk away a little wilder, a little more whole, and a little changed
having remembered that where we came from is not so different from where we are.


Relephant Read:

How Forgiveness Frees Us.


Author: Monique Minahan

Editor: Alli Sarazen

Photo: SimpleInsomnia/Flickr


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