October 31, 2015

How to get Elephant on your Phone.

elephant app phone smartphone elephantjournal

How to get the Elephant “App” on your phone etc—Free.

We finally have an App. But it’s not an app, and it’s not in the app store. It’s simpler: you click the up arrow in the square image (see image above), then click “add to home screen.”

On Chrome/Android click the Menu button (the three dots on the upper right of the browser window) and then click Add to Home screen:



Over the last two months, Facebook changes have essentially crushed Elephant. Here’s an alternative.

We couldn’t find anyone to build an app and we can’t afford much. We’re indie media.

But we did this. Help us out by getting it, free, and using it: it’ll give us some way to connect with you outside of Facebook, which we desperately need.

WE FINALLY HAVE AN APP, okay it’s not an app but it’s basically an app!

It’s not an app, per se, but now you can add elephant to your homescreen—which will take you directly to our mobile site!

How to add the Elephant app to your iPhone:

1.Go to elephantjournal.com

2. Click that little blue square with an up arrow. (It’s at the very bottom center of the screen).

3. Swipe the list of “adds” to the right and click on “add to home screen!”

It’s that easy.

(Clearly, I’m super excited!)” ~ via Lindsey & Corti

Yours in the Vision of an Enlightened Society,
Waylon Lewis

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