November 14, 2015

Losing Faith in Humanity.


In times such as these with the horrendous attacks on Paris, I am reminded how easy it is to lose hope.

There is so much darkness in the world. So many factions who are convinced that striking terror in the hearts of the people of the world will gain them whatever foothold they are seeking.

So many people,  innocently going about their day, who are suddenly swept up into the horror of heartbreaking loss.

So many lives lost, injuries sustained, tears wept.

Our media offers up the details of the events, replayed again and again, and warn us of potential further attacks as Governments around the Western world raise the “terror alert” status to high.

Fear is high, and pain is palpable.

And yet, even in the depths of darkness there is still beauty.

Parisians, using the hashtag #portouverte (which translates to OpenDoor), open their homes to the people of their city, showing that love still transcends fear.

Within the city many still choose to continue about their days, frequenting bars and restaurants, determined not to allow terrorists to ‘win’ by impacting on normality.

From around the world comes an overwhelming show of love and support, cascading across oceans, over social media, through telephone calls, text messages and blog posts.

We cannot lose hope and faith in humanity.

We must not let fear overwhelm us and run our lives.

There is still love, there is still hope, there is still beauty. 



5 Must-Read Quotes Regarding the Tragedy in France.


Author: Sarah Kolkka

Image: AlesandroPrada/Flickr

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