Last year around this time, I was reeling from the aftermath of professional as well as personal relationships that ended disastrously.
I was compelled to loosen my grip on people and problems that insulted my soul and threatened my sanity.
I felt stranded and stagnant, both personally and creatively.
“Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know.”
~ Pema Chodron
And teach it did! Once I learnt to accept and deal with the domino effect brought about by this metamorphosis, I evolved and grew into my true self.
The trick, I now realize, is to accept everything—disappointment, disillusionment and delirious joy—with equal fervor. Let things be. Let things run their course.
And then, when the scars have healed and I have achieved a sense of calm, I can let go of circumstances that have done and said their bit to aid my spiritual and personal growth. Kinda like picking at an old, dried up scab to let new pink skin shine through.
“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the master calls a butterfly.”
~ Richard Bach
The past year has been a mixed bag of emotions and experiences and has turned me into a colorful, confident butterfly. While on one hand I have opened myself up to new endeavors and encounters, on the other hand I am learning to let go of people, places and passions that are no longer conducive to my well-being.
This year has also been about the endless possibilities that life has to offer, and about exploring my infinite creative passions that I find difficult to contain. I feel as though I slipped through the rabbit hole, landed on my face, picked myself up, got rid of all my shackles and then proceeded to be mesmerized by everything I saw and learned from everyone I met.
So, as the year draws to a close, I am thankful for all you creative folks out there who are part of my little wonderland. You, who have stirred my soul with the written word; you, who moved my heart with your art; and you, who made my spirit soar with your moving pictures—and in the bargain rendered my life beautiful and made it impossible for me to go back to the boring old business of being me!
I have learnt that there is always more to life than meets the eye. And just as I am about to give up, something jolts me awake to make me believe in myself, in the love of those around me and, most importantly, in the satiation experienced through travel and all my creative endeavors. These jolts often come in the form of small personal, as well as professional, triumphs.
“Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come. Remember everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, and all the fears you have overcome.”
~ Unknown
In light of everything that has now come to pass, I can’t help but look forward to the magic discreetly percolating into my life, yet to reveal itself completely, in the year to come.
Of misery and madness,
Mirth and marvel.
From tears and terror
To treats and triumph.
Oh what an incredible journey!
Of love, loss and longing.
Of broken parts, brave hearts and beautiful bards
From birds and the bees to sex and silly songs.
Oh what an incredible year!
Of new beginnings, a new lease and now,
a brand new year for all!
Of wander and wonder,
Of maps and meals.
From oysters and ostrich
To frogs and fish eggs;
Of finding friends
in foreign fields.
From adventure to aging
Arak to Absinthe
We have tried it all.
Of operas and oracles
Of ballets and ballerinas.
From minarets and spires
To forts and palaces
We have seen it all.
Of heartbreaks and heart burns.
From hiccups to headaches
Of tremors and tears.
From earthquakes and eruptions
To eagerness and euphoria
We have felt it all.
Of mystery and magic.
From tales and trials
To poetry and prose.
We have read them all.
Of mindless moments and mindful living.
Mad hatters and male chauvinists.
From malevolence to motherhood
We have survived it all.
Of pleas and platitudes,
Lies and lame excuses.
From ministers to music.
We have heard them all.
Of cranberries and cocktails;
Booze and beaches;
Of retrograde and rhetoric;
Rejuvenation and retrospection.
From rerouting to rebooting
We have done it all.
Of teamwork and trivial pursuits.
Through temerity and tarantism;
Tantrums and talismans;
We have found our calm.
Of healing and hamming;
Heists and horrors.
From hook ups and break ups
To hail marys and Aha moments!
We have come thus far.
As we bid adieu to yet another year of yore,
Let’s stop, stay still and spare a second
To scoop it all up, then scrape some out.
Take it all in.
Let some out.
Happy new year to one and all!
Relephant Read:
Inspiration Is Liberation: New Year’s Reflections on the Nature of Existence.
Author: Sushma Madappa
Editor: Toby Israel
Photo: David Marcu/Unsplash
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