January 24, 2016

German Kids Perform Kraftwerk’s “The Robots” in Über Cute Cardboard Robot Suits.

YouTube screenshot: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH-ycguHLBU

As both a mother and a lover of music, I am a big supporter of children getting some form of musical education and exposure to music in school.

So naturally, it tickled me to discover the video below, of German first graders performing Kraftwerk’s “The Robots” in adorable, cardboard robot costumes.

Per the educational media site, Open Culture:

“An enterprising elementary school teacher in Mombach, a district of the Rhineland city of Mainz, did so in 2015, dressing up his students from Lemmchen Elementary in their own handmade robot outfits and teaching them to sing the classic 1978 Kraftwerk hit ‘The Robots.’ (Or ‘Roboter’ if you own the German version)…They’re just too cute, and their wobbly, shuffling attempts to be machines only warms the heart more.”


Too cute is right! In fact, I’d even say they’re über cute! (Heh heh.)

I love how they’ve made a cardboard xylophone as well—how darling is that?!

Kudos to the innovated and inspired teacher who brought a bit of musical fun to his first grade classroom!


Seeing this certainly made me smile:



Forget Led Zeppelin—Check out this All-Kids Orchestra! {Video}


Author: Yoli Ramazzina

Photo: Screenshot.

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