This poem is a longing for connection, a love letter to a potential partner and a question of what is in between the busy-ness of our lives.
What is contained in emptiness?
I think it’s easy to love when there’s no real life pressure. Love is a different kind of dance when you’re asking someone to love your dogs, your kids and the more complicated life.
This poem is about another kind of honeymoon, a different kind of stickiness.
The Sacred Yes
I want to share nothing with you
mundane moments of time
the way crusts of bread are ignored, disrespected
I want to journey into the unappreciated minutes with you
to lay between spilt coffee
cars that won’t start
and business meetings running late
I want to take you on an unromantic vacation
to traffic jams
and crying babies at three a.m.
I want to offer you passion in unexpected places
where moments are pressed together and
I want to offer you
reality as fantasy
exploring the sexiness of surviving the day
the magnetism of being present when it bears down on your bones drinking the sweetness
from the pools of sorrow that flow through
our lives
I want to invite you to dance in the house
of the more lived in family
between laughter and jars of beach glass still wet
from tears of the sea
I want to hold you in the empty spaces reserved for television
and endless distraction
I want to wash the dishes and reach out to find your hand slippery yet solid
soapy water
Author: Rivkah Bacharach
Editor: Toby Israel
Image: Used with permission from Toviah Bacharach
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