Warning: naughty language ahead.
Getting stuck in masochism
of career, beauty, fashion
a masochism of indulgence
that fills the belly until it hurts
until it bursts and splatters
culture, ambition, sex, art
all over the bathroom wall
A reality where tattoos,
cover up the cutting
piercings drill holes
in physical insecurities
a sense of not belonging
camouflaged by black kohl
by a fuck-you attitude
The little voices that tell
what’s wrong, what’s good
not schizophrenia, just ads
the shit an open mind
constantly gets stuffed with
until it’s full and over-flows
like a drain full of hair
The masochism of high heels,
of starving on skimmed milk
the pain of pulled out hairs
of pushed up tits, sucked in bellies
the masochism of real women
with the fucked up confidence
of a monkey on a moped
Author: Jude Sevestre
Editor: Catherine Monkman
Photo: Angelina Litvin/Unsplash
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