March 14, 2016

The Mindful Life Illustrated: How to Use Our One Chance at Today.

DO NOT REUSE 17 - Today

The minutes go by. The hours go by. The days. The weeks. The months. The years.

It is hard to acknowledge each day for the rare jewel that it is.

On average a human being will live for around 28,000 days.

So it is understandable that we won’t be able to live each to the fullest. Some days we just need to sleep or catch up on Netflix, and that’s okay.

Heck, a day of sleep and movies is actually a pretty good day in my book.

But simply cultivating the habit of being thankful for each day as we live it can mean a life well-lived, no matter our specific circumstances or daily activities. And through being thankful, we will naturally choose to use the day to create something beautiful and nurturing for the world.

The things we create don’t have to be earth-shattering or Pulitzer Prize-winning—they can be small acts of kindness and love. Actions that show the universe and ourselves that we understand the value of being alive and precious nature of each individual day.

Today is only here once.

One chance to live it and enjoy life through it.

One chance to use it and fill the world with a little more love.

When you close your eyes and drift off to sleep tonight—this day will vanish into the ever-forward flow of the human perception of time.

Each sunset is the death of a day and a reminder of the impermanence of life that the sun will also one day set on.

But for now we have today.

What kind of day will you make it?


Author & Artist: Mike Medaglia

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren


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