March 25, 2016

To my Higher Self: a Letter & a Promise.

Delma, Port-au-Prince, July 2007.A little boy lives in an orphanage that a Haitien woman has created to keep young kids away from a life in the streets. As she is poor herself she cannot provide more than some beds (without matresses) and together with these 27 children she hopes every day for someone to help.
Dear Higher Self,

We have been together for almost 29 years.

Through so many ups and downs you have never left my side. You have been there for me through my whole life.

You played, you laughed, you cried with me. You stayed with me even when I had nothing to show you but distrust, guilt and shame.

There were times when I bullied and abused you and your beautiful temple—our body. You never judged me, but showed me love and understanding while sending me signs that led me back onto my path.

You took me to the most exotic places on earth, helped me to create touching art, assisted me in confronting my fears and always gave your best. We are a wonderful team. You are my best friend, my lover, my traveling companion, healer and supporter.

So today, I do not only want to tell you how grateful I am to have you by my side, but vow to threat you like the goddess of all goddesses and keep your temple clean.

You are my inner guide, my witch, my creator, my queen, my self.

I promise to move even more in the direction of self-love by asking more questions and listening carefully to the answers that you speak in silence through the language of image, emotion and intuition.

I vow to connect with you on a daily basis by taking the time to mindfully examine my body and my feelings. I promise to become softer in my actions and release the pressure of control that is caused by thinking-patterns of the past. But most of all, I assure you of my awareness and growth, as this is the path we are meant to walk together.

And if you want me to be present with old, unhealed, emotional wounds, I will gladly go to the pain and uncomfortable feelings as I know you will be there to guide and support me.

Having been stuck in resistance in the past, I haven’t always appreciated you. So I will take the chance to do it even more today. I want to continue to cherish your greatness every day of my life and focus my attention on all the wonders you do for me every second. I will follow my joy which will ultimately allow us to merge together in the same place of consciousness and pure love.

You taught me that we came into this life together to experience, feel and create. I commit to this beautiful adventure together—my higher self—on the road to self-discovery.

Always yours,




Relephant read:

6 Practices to Feed our Highest Self.


Author: Alice Smeets

Editor: Khara-Jade Warren

Image: author’s own


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