April 10, 2016

A Magical Surprise—Stoned People & Sloths. {Video}

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I was having a day that lacked laughter.

Between workouts, meditation and joy playlists, I can usually find a way to shake the negativity from my spirit. But, I was having a rough day, and maybe even week. One of my favorite people in the world sent me this video, and I have found new things to laugh at each time I watch.

Within a week, I have shared it with numerous people, who have told me that if they feel down, this is their “go to” right now. Some of the lines are already widely used among my tribe to bring a smile.

In the interest of spreading the love and the laughter, here it is.

Please: share your favorite line with me in the comments.



Relephant read:

The Wild World ~ Animals Like You’ve Never Seen Them. {Funny}



Mindful offering:

Modoc – Original Native American Healing Totem Art Print



Author: Lisa Foreman

Editor: Catherine Monkman

Photo: YouTube

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