June 19, 2016

Summer Solstice: Moving On from what is No Longer Serving Us.

sun and moon

*Eleditor’s note: Astrology isn’t a religion. We’re not sure it’s a science, either. It’s magic, maybe. But, as with feng shui, say, things affect things. So as long as we don’t go blaming our problems on the stars, as long as we assume responsibility for our own actions…well, hell, a little auspicious coincidence and applicable wisdom can’t hurt. And so, with that grain of salt…enjoy!

“Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.” ~ Buddha

On Monday, June 20th the Northern Hemisphere will welcome the long warm days of summer with the celebration of the solstice.

The Summer Solstice marks the longest day and the shortest night of the year. This is an occasion for us feel whether our own darkness and light are in balance or not.

This year, the Summer Solstice coincides with the full moon—both the sun and moon will be radiating us with their strongest energy.

The sun represents the ultimate masculine energy, and the moon symbolizes the beautiful divine feminine.

When we allow a natural stability of these energies within our own soul, then our journey feels more heart-centered and authentic, simply because we are honoring both aspects in ourselves.

This means that we aren’t trying to be something we aren’t.

We aren’t powering through our life missing the point entirely. We’re honoring our needs without being needy. With this internal balance, we give up doing it all and instead, graciously do what is within our ability.

We’ll value our emotions as much as we do our ambition. We’ll have the courage to open our heart to the world around us.

This is also a time when we may see the divine feminine and masculine being drawn more closely together because of the balance of the sun and moon at this solstice.

The yin and yang are in perfect harmony—neither trying to steal the show but instead letting the other shine just as brightly.

For us it’s truly about balance, and bravely seeing what that means for each of us.

This solstice is an excellent time to take inventory of our lives and determine where we’re being dragged down by energy instead of feeling inspired and lifted. We can consciously balance our obligations with our passions.

Summer Solstice asks us to be more introspective about our lives while drawing us out to explore and enjoy nature.

We aren’t content to stay inside, locked away from our dreams and desires.

We’ll feel the pull of the stars making our heart pound and our skin tingle. We have the opportunity to honor ourselves, and see if what we’ve been doing for others is making us happy too.

Life can be amazing if we simply take the chance to dance.

Summer solstice is a time to celebrate life. The new season marks a beginning as we have the chance to come back home to ourselves.

It’s high time to decide to live life by our own design—it’s never too late to be truly happy.

Maybe we’ll realize we have been ignoring our own feminine or masculine side. We can be more balanced by leaning in and feeling the emotions we sometimes try to push away. Our feelings are there for a reason.

Our soul is showing us where we should be. If situations or relationships in our life aren’t balanced, we have the chance to weigh them.

Summer Solstice is a time to go outside and soak up as much beautiful sun as possible and then stay up late to welcome in the loving energy of the full moon. It’s a night to make dreams come by honoring what calls to us. It’s an evening for journaling, self-reflection, walking beneath the stars and bonfires with kindred souls.

We will feel more closely connected to the Earth than we normally do. While parts of us may wax and wane, it ultimately comes down to balance.

The delicate balance between things we have to do and the passions we chase.

It’s love and commitment, freedom and responsibility, desire and nurturing—because we are not meant to choose between these aspects, but harmoniously incorporate them into one amazingly beautiful life.



Author: Kate Rose

Image: Pixabay

Editors: Ashleigh Hitchcock; Sarah Kolkka



Mr. Sun himself:

Meditation instruction:

A mindful take on Astrology:

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