July 2, 2016

To Be a Woman. {Poem}

woman freedom

To be alone

Is not lonely.

To sit quietly

Is not being a loner.

And even if it was,

So what?

You do you.

To be alone

Is not lonely.


To wear sweats and a tee

Is not lazy.

You wear that messy bun

With a high head.

You wear comfort so well.

To wear sweats and a tee

Is not lazy.


To wear make up

Is not false advertising.

Your eyelids are not naturally blue,


But if you want them to be,

It looks good on you.

Paint that gorgeous face

However you feel.

I dig it.

To wear makeup

Is not false advertising.


To dress up

Is not attention seeking.

You feel good in that

Short skirt?


Because it looks good too,

No matter what size.

So strut those heels.

To dress up

Is not attention seeking.


To voice your opinion

Is not out of place.

You don’t agree with what he said?

Say so.

Your voice is just as important

As his.

To voice your opinion

Is not out of place.


To say no

Is not rude.

You have every right to say no.

You have choices too.

They can’t walk all over you.

Say no.

Over use it.

To say no

Is not rude.


To agree with a compliment

Is not conceited.

Wear confidence with pride.

You look good today.


I think so too.

To be ashamed is silly.

Own that shit.

To agree with a compliment

Is not conceited.


To be a woman

Is not inferior.

You are complex and extraordinary.

So much more than the surface

Or what door sign you look for

While looking for a restroom at the mall.

Bet you’ve got bigger balls than the guys


Own it girl.

Be the boss.

To be a woman

Is not inferior.


Author: Morgan Ruiz

Image: Aral Tasher/Unsplash

Apprentice Editor: Brandie Smith/Editor: Renée Picard

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