August 10, 2016

How to Take Advantage of the Remainder of Summer—Mindfully.

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

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Inside this classic Walk the Talk Show livestream, Waylon starts by leading us with a simple meditation and then discusses how to slow down, be present, and mindfully enjoy what’s left of summer.

For those who struggle with meditation, use these simple meditation techniques from Thich Nhat Hanh.

“I can take a step back once in a while from my work and really touch in with taking care of myself—just the simple things like walking around, and eating meals with loved ones, and really not doing that much. Not filling the space, not walking around with my phone in front of my face. That relaxation gives me the strength and inspiration that calms my burn-out.”  ~ Waylon Lewis on slowing down during summer

Submit your own thoughts about being mindful and present during summer here!



Get Waylon’s book, Things I Would Like to Do with You.


Top 5 Ways to Slow Down for Summer.

Best Buddhist Books for Beginners with Simple Meditation Instruction.

The Eight Basic Salves for Burn-Out.


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Editor: Catherine Monkman

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