September 15, 2016

A mindful tip for everyday life.

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Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis presents:

“I wanted to talk about Dave as an example for all of us. So, he’s finally married, he has a fulfilling job that he’s obsessed with and works really hard at and succeeds at…and when he’s healthy, he’s able to exercise and do the sports that he loves. And he lives in a safe town, and he has a bike, and he has a good office, and he has some good friends, and he has his wife. So I just felt, this morning, like texting him…and saying:

Take a moment, best friend, and really feel how good things are right now.

Life is up and down, and even when it’s up…in superficial ways, even if your life is together, you may be miserable.

And Dave, his life is really sweet right now. And you know, he’s a guy who cries at the drop of a hat, he’s a very grateful person. But I think appreciating our lives, just sitting down, taking 10 seconds and saying, these are things that are really good about my life, really sweet, really grateful for…just appreciate where you’re at.” ~ Waylon Lewis


“Buddhism isn’t supposed to be about dogma, or about mythology, or B.S., basically, spiritual materialism. It’s supposed to be about how to be sane, how to be genuine, and how to be of genuine service to the world. It’s supposed to be based on experience.” ~ Waylon Lewis


“Always meditate on whatever provokes resentment. Always meditate on that which is most difficult. If you do not start right away, the moment a difficulty arises, it is very difficult to overcome it.” ~ Chogyam Trungpa, Training the Mind & Cultivating Loving-Kindness


“There cannot be a sense of abundance or experience of prosperity without appreciation. You cannot find beauty unless you appreciate beauty. You cannot find friendship unless you appreciate others. You cannot find love unless you appreciate loving and being loved. If you wish abundance, appreciate life.” ~ William R Miller, shared with us by Amy English, a Facebook Live viewer.


“The Buddhist word for discipline is joy. Discipline is joy. Discipline is not will-power. Discipline is not negative. Discipline is saying: I’m going to go climb today, or I’m going to go for a hike, or I’m going to do my dishes. Not because I’m a bad person and I need to do those things because I’m bad, and I need to be better…but because I enjoy them. Because I enjoy not having dirty dishes, and I enjoy not being out of shape, and I enjoy processing my stress.” ~ Waylon Lewis


Relephant resources:

The Only Way to be Fearless. ~ Frank Berliner

A Guide to Buddhist Parenting.

Co-Parenting Post Breakup: 9 Tips for Helping our Kids Thrive in a Modern Family.

If you don’t yet care about Prisons, just Watch This (it’s Funny).

Buddhist Advice on How to deal with Difficult Emotions

Sakyong Mipham—Is Meditation Selfish?

Pema Chodron: How to do Tonglen, a meditation practice for difficult times.


Two-Minute Meditation for Crazy-Busy People With Waylon Lewis. 

Walk the Talk Show with Waylon Lewis: Meditation Teacher Sharon Salzberg

Balance is Overrated.

Things I wish I’d Known Before Going Vegan.

5 Tips for Making the Vegan Transition.

Three essential houseplants for clean indoor air.

Best Classic Beginner’s Buddhist Books Ever?

Natural Hierarchy: the 3 Requirements of the Ideal Job.

Self-Help is Bad for You.


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Editor: Catherine Monkman

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