September 2, 2016

Keep your Head Up, Keep your Heart Strong. {Poem}

Tachina Lee/Unsplash

“Never argue with an idiot. They will only bring you down to their level and beat you with experience.” ~ George Carlin


No matter where you are from: this is for you.

If you have been wringing yourself out over social media,

If you, like me, are upset about injustice and politics,


We do not require governments to legislate living in harmony.

Let’s keep our heads.

What I have seen, sprawled across my Facebook newsfeed, are not just words of anger, disappointment and fear.

But words from a fine sort of folk:

The People Who Care.

They understand how choice defines our humanity, and what the implications might be.

Let’s not fall into the same trap as those with whom, we think, we disagree

We can tune out of this frenzy, and make our own change.

Without falling into anger and fear.

To steer this train: let’s keep our heads;

Our hearts humble and strong.

Galvanize wisdom.

Remember…to breathe.

May we uphold a state of mind that is brave and kind.

We’ve got to think clearly.

We’ve got to share what we do want to see

So many see our words

Ripples are small, at first. Then look how they grow!

Let’s keep our heads.


Let’s remember why we stand.

How strongly we love.

How much we care.


There’s wisdom within:

Wait, listen, understand.

Before making comments and judgments,


Let’s ask ourselves—

What would “Desmond Tutu say?”

And the other Greats,

who never mince their ways,

But speak with great clout, wisdom and grace.


Will my words help or hinder peace?

Must untethered emotion define me?

Instead of purging—let’s take a few moments to breathe—

Can my message be more mindful?

Will my words lash, or ease?

Does understanding reign?

Or am I lacing this concoction with my own egoic pain?

Let’s pick our battles.

Learn how to fight:

Not by berating the old,

But in building the new.

There’s no power in this dying system—

—unless we feed it with our anger and fear.

Let’s spend our time, instead,

building a world, we do want to see.

Come on. We can do it.

Let’s keep our heads.


“Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.” ~ Mark Twain


Author: Catherine Simmons

Image: Tachina Lee/Unsplash 

Editor: Emily Bartran

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