September 29, 2016

This 9-year-old Girl from Charlotte gave a Heartbreaking Speech that all of America Needs to Hear.

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When Zianna Oliphant stood up at her City Council meeting to speak she was almost to small to reach the microphone.

She didn’t plan to and she was a little scared, but she had something important to say.

“I was a little nervous, so I decided to just go up there and tell them how I feel,” she said afterwards.

She got the world’s attention. #ZiannaOliphant on Twitter:

But are we really listening? And are we prepared to act to change the world she lives in—the world we all live in?

“We are black people and we shouldn’t have to feel this way.” ~ Zianna Oliphant


Author/Editor: Khara-Jade Warren

Images: Twitter

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