September 16, 2016

To Follow a Wandering Woman.

Courtesy of Eleditor, Toby Israel

Author’s Note: Two years ago, I wrote about how to love a girl who wanders…I realize now I might have left out the most important part: how to follow her.


To follow a wandering woman, you must first learn to speak her language.

Footsteps are her consonants—drumbeats her vowels. Meridians are her lexicon, and moving trains her syllables.

When she whispers, “Portugal,” it is a love story.

Don’t misunderstand me—you can woo her with romance and gifts and gestures, too, but if you want to reach her soul, you’ll need to understand it.

Once you have learned this woman’s language, you can read the map behind her eyes.

Follow it.

Up treacherous mountain passes, and down to rippling canyon beds. Into echoing caves dark as fear, and along twisting, decaying forest paths. Out to sea, into the desert, beneath the sun, sky and stars.

Follow her.

It is that simple—and that terrifying.

Only those with a courageous heart in their chest will undertake it.

For a wandering woman has made her choice, and it has chosen her. The path behind her? Clear but unreachable. The paths ahead? Numerous, treacherous, overgrown and tangled, yet impossible—truly impossible—to resist.

She cannot turn away; the sky sings enchantments through her dreams, and so it is up to you to follow, follow, follow, too.

You do not have to. She will continue alone. She will not ask you to make any sacrifice she is not prepared to make, and she does not make sacrifices. Not now.

So go, follow her, the wandering woman. Read the poems her footsteps trace, and dance to the rhythm her pulse makes.

But don’t get lost, wandering soul. Don’t get lost in the woods.


Author: Toby Israel

Image: Author’s Own


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