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It’s to keep our pelvic and org@sm muscles strong. Here’s the coveted, clever apparatus we are using >>
We Ele-gals have been doing “a thing” over here.
It’s to keep our pelvic and org@sm muscles strong. Here’s the coveted, clever apparatus we are using >>
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I was truly moved by Michelle Obama’s recent speech.
Obama responded to the audio released of Donald Trump bragging about sexually assaulting women.
That speech hit the nail right on the head. I watched it with my mother and sister, and it brought tears to our eyes. With her poignant, moving words, Obama uplifted the spirit of every woman out there—American or not.
I’m the least likely person to talk about this as I’m not a fan of politics. But, I am a woman, and as Michelle Obama said, this isn’t about politics. It’s about basic human decency.
In one way or another, every woman out there can relate to this.
We’ve all experienced the trauma of abuse at least once in our lifetime—whether physically, verbally, or even emotionally. Some men have the guts to actually cross the line and disrespect us on every possible level.
When I was 13 years old I once took the bus alone. An old man slipped his hand below my seat in hopes of touching me. I flinched and instantly got up from my seat. This incident was etched into my memory for several months.
It saddens me that now at 28, I—and countless other women—still experience the same abuse on the verbal and emotional level (and unfortunately, for many of us on the physical level, too). Nonetheless, what differentiates my 13-year-old self from my 28-year-old self is having the courage to stand up for myself and recognizing that it’s not okay to be disrespected and demeaned.
In other words, I know I have a voice, as Michelle Obama puts it.
Sadly, some of us aren’t this aware, which is why I wholeheartedly wish that every woman out there would read or watch Michelle Obama’s words for empowerment. We need to understand that the pain that men are causing women is unacceptable, and by all means not normal.
Whoever assaults or degrades a woman has most probably forgotten that he wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for one. And this, by far, is the most disgraceful thing.
Here are the powerful and profound words from Michelle Obama that every woman must absorb:
Elyane S. Youssef is an extraterrestrial who was given birth by Earthlings. While living on planet Earth, she fell in love with art, books, nature, writing, photography, trave… Read full bio
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