November 27, 2016

Her Soul is Starved. {Poem}

Author's own, not for reuse


What has really been troubling her
isn’t you,
but a lack of passion and adventure.
Her soul is starved.
She yearns for a challenge.
The days of repetition and routine are killing her slowly,
like she’s being submerged underwater,
given just a few sips of air.
holding onto life as she knows it,
because she doesn’t know which is worse:
a life of uncertainty and happiness,
or a life of security and boredom.

Darling, wake up.
Look at the stars—
you are made of them.
The boredom and suffering are by choice:
We are all going through troubles,
our piles of shit are forever growing.
But your heart, your light,
always has the potential to shine.

If you crave adventure,
jump, and do it.
Go explore them.
Break it.

Life is a forever-evolving road map,
and the most powerful realization is this:
you are the one creating it.


Author: Kara Bezuko

Image: Author’s own; Free Stock Photos

Editor: Nicole Cameron

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