February 22, 2017

100 Days of Yoga, 100 Illustrations.

My illustration project, 100 Day Yoga Crash Course, was born from the intention to simplify the different aspects of the yoga world and to make the philosophy of yoga more accessible to everyone.

The project is meant to shed light on aspects of yoga that can be strange or mysterious: meditation, ayurvedic healing and pranayama technique. My blog is both for yogi gurus and people who are just curious about yoga practice.

The Instagram project began on 1st December in 2016 and lasts for 100 days (85 and counting!)

As an artist, I am inspired most by travelling—it allows you to see life through another lens, just like yoga. I’ve met many inspirational people throughout my travels, but an endless pool of inspiration for this project are the yogis on Instagram.


follow for my 100 day yoga crash course: Day 57: Ayurveda, Meaning knowledge of life, is a holistic medicine from India . This could be its own crash course, but put simply, ayurvedic medicine is about knowing your body’s disposition in order to keep yourself balanced. There are 3 dispositions (doshas) and you are principally one of the three. They are: 1.Vata 2.pitta 3.kaphaHow do you know which one you are? Go see an ayurvedic doctor to have your doshas read, or the Chopra centre does and incredible online quiz. I will be breaking the 3 doshas down over the next 3 days . Ayurvedic medicine uses a hollistic approach and a full understanding of your body (including digestion) to keep you balanced and healthy (see panchakarma, day 84) . . . #100dayyogacrashcourse #meditate #peace #positivity #meditation #hindu #india #yogini #yogi #illustration #watercolor #sketchbook #brushpens @tombowusa #yoga #penandink #illustratorsoninstagram #doodle #handdrawing #asana#spirituality #yogaeverydamnday #healing #ayurveda #medicine #wholistic #hollistichealth

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Author: Alex Christie

Editor: Sara Kärpänen

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