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Spring is the perfect time to cleanse pretty much anything—closets, beliefs we no longer jive with and of course, our bodies.
It’s a natural tendency to want to shed. With the coming of longer days, the body craves lighter foods and more activity.
The brain is stimulated into action by light, we exit hibernation mode, and refocus from inner, more contemplative work to outward manifestation of winter dreams.
We are, after all, part of nature, and respond to the same impulse as trees and all living things to gather the energy stored during the colder season into something new and expressive.
I’m a believer in periodic cleansing, and have participated in many types of regimens, but as the years roll by, I see more and more the wisdom of a daily cleanse rather than an intensive week or month long endeavor. It is so much easier on the system and follows the daily rhythm of 12 hours of fasting out of the 24. Of course, the longer ones are also good, depending on the person and their needs.
If you feel the call to clearing and making room for healthier cells, or even allowing for your emotions to filter through as you awaken the body, this is a way to gently, yet powerfully forward the process.
The Basics:
I start each day with water, lemon and honey—usually a hot drink. This assists my liver in a daily detox. I add to this a pinch of cayenne when I need a little more help to clear sinuses or boost my metabolism. And who doesn’t need to boost their metabolism, especially after months of winter eating?
It is wise to follow the seasons with eating patterns, so I don’t worry about the heavier meals that keep me warm between November and February.
Long before I “break fast” in the morning with a meal, I wake up my kidneys, gallbladder, liver and intestines with this simple drink. Once you begin this daily cleanse habit, you will reap the rewards in spades.
Other benefits of a detox practice include flushing of glands, flushing crystalized salts in the joints, reducing inflammation and muscle pain.
My partner, who suffered for years from Chronic Fatigue and Fibromyalgia, swears to the power of daily detox. It is a mindful way to support one’s health.
My little ritual began a few years ago when I did the Master Cleanse. It’s the more intense cousin of what we’re talking about here, usually focused on rapid weight loss and shedding of toxins. I loved the results but also prepared well in advance by eating lighter meals before and after, exercising to eliminate what was being dumped into the bloodstream, and being careful to not stress the body by returning to old habits once I had done the cleanse.
The heavier the cleanse, the bigger the shock to the system. Proceed with caution with this one if you have never done any kind of detox work before. I realized after that program that I wanted to offer my body consistent support, rather than a massive upheaval once a year. It was not sustainable for me.
Back to our spring drink with Blue Majik…
This drink will use room temperature water to protect the live enzymes of this superfood.
What is it and why do we want to add it to a cleansing ritual?
Blue Majik (I trust the E3 Live brand) is a blue-green algae found in the unpolluted, alkaline waters of Upper Klamath Lake in Southern Oregon.
“Upper Klamath Lake is free of adverse bacteria, heavy metals, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and fungicides. The lake receives an average 300 days of sunlight per year which provides a perfect growing environment for the world’s richest strain of wild AFA blue-green algae, scientifically known as Aphanizomenon flos-aquae.The alkaline lake water provides more than 60 times the nutrients needed for the algae to grow to its full potential each year. Under the right conditions, AFA algae can reproduce every 20 minutes, which provides a plentiful abundance of this organic, high life-force, miracle super food.” ~ e3Live.com
Blue-green algae is perfect for cleansing as it is nutrient dense, being exceptionally high in chlorophyll, protein (64%), essential fatty acids, and over 65 vitamins and minerals. Fortifying the body with such a readily bio-available superfood while in detox mode boosts immunity and builds healthy new cells while flushing out the old.
The pretty blue color of this Spirulina extract is a protein complex called C-Phycocyanin. It’s fun and everybody will want to know what you’re drinking. It’s difficult not to feel happy looking at it, the vibrancy of Blue Majik comes through in its hue.
Some of the other reputed health benefits of blue-green algae are:
>>Focus and concentration/super brain food
>>Improved digestion
>>Fights free radicals (unstable atoms synthesized from pollutants that cause cellular damage)
>>Normalized pressure in veins and arteries
>>Increased energy
>>Repair of nerve tissues/pain relief
If my cells were to judge the effects of daily cleansing, they would say that on a recent visit to my Naturopath, their age rated as 12 years younger than I actually am! It’s the reward of a simple, dedicated practice.
Electric Lyte Tonic
One large glass of room temperature filtered water
Juice of one organic lemon
1 tsp. unpasteurized Honey or maple syrup (vegan) to taste (for energy/flavor)
Tiny pinch of grey sea salt (minerals intact)
Pinch of cayenne (can omit, use sporadically or always as per your body’s tolerance)
1/2 tsp Blue Majik powder
Shake in a mason jar or blend vigorously with a whisk.
Take daily or alternate between this and the Hot-Water/Lemon/Honey drink.
Tip: Add the honey to the citrus first to melt it.
Blue-Majik is also awesome in smoothies.
You don’t have to be a practicing witch like me to enjoy the majik!
Author: Monika Carless
Photo:Image: Used With Permission/Elizabeth Coull @ EarthMamaLoveKitchen
Editor: Lieselle Davidson
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