March 18, 2017

Trust the Process.

Trust the process

Don’t try to run up the mountain
We’ll only get exhausted if we do.

Trust that the darkness may come
That we’ll be wise enough to talk it into light
The more light we create, the stronger we’ll be.

Trust that there’s going to be the unexpected
That flexibility is learnt,
That breaking allows opening.

Trust that we can float on the river, on the ocean
And if it pulls us down below,
We’ll know where the surface is.

Trust that all the doors may close—
That being trapped provides an opportunity
To find ourselves.

Trust that we’ll prise the trap
That resilience will be woven into our fabric—
The trap will no longer hold us, even if it’s still attached.

Trust that when we see ourselves again
The mirror will show someone beyond measure
A being of broken glass, of shining fragments of colour.

Trust the process.

Panic, get scared, ask if you’re going to be okay
Let people say—trust the process.





Author: Kaylia Dunstan

Image: luisVilanova/Flickr 

Editor: Lieselle Davidson

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