May 1, 2017

Beginning Meditation. {Poem}


In the morning

Or anytime,

Wake up


And then—

Just sit

Or stand,

But be still and quiet.

Notice the now,

Notice how the mind wanders, and where.

All the time. All over the place. Everywhere and nowhere.

Empty and full at once.

A silly monkey, a bumbling puppy, a mirror, the ocean.

This is the mind.

To the back then or the what if.

The past and the future. Any time but the present. Memories, plans. Nostalgia, aspirations. Regrets, expectations.


Sit and notice your mind without getting involved.

Come back to the breath.

Keep sitting,

Keep breathing

For the duration of a stick of lavender incense. Or a steamy mug of chamomile with honey. Or a song.

For one breath in—and one breath out.

And another, and another, and another.

Oh how grateful I am for this life, for this breath.

Thank you God for this day and this life.

Rise up and go about your crazy day,

Carry the benefits with you—

The calm, kind presence,

The mindfulness.

When anger arises, when fear arises, when hatred arises, when ego flares up and shouts I am the best or I am the worst,

When insanity arises—come back to the breath.

Formal meditation and daily life experiences alike,

Give the merits away.

Dedicate your efforts to the benefit of all beings.

Press the palms together, look up at the blue sky, feel your connection to the green earth, bow forward and love.

This is how we live our yoga.

This is how we live our dharma.


Author: Michelle Margaret Fajkus
Image: Flickr
Editor: Lieselle Davidson

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