April 1, 2017

Broken. {Poem}

It was only in the end that I discovered the beginning.

We met—
Well, re-met after many years,
Only to leave each other.
Two broken people looking for healing
Seeking salvation in the other.
If only I’d known.

If only I’d known that we seek to heal our broken places
By attracting those with the same broken places.
If only one of us had known.

I found familiarity in you.
I didn’t realize I was looking in a mirror.
I wanted you to fill in the gaps.
Provide the love I’d never had. Never.
To love me.
To know me.
I was so open to your attention that I didn’t notice
That you were looking for the same thing
From me.

I’m sorry I wasn’t her—the one you need.
Forgive me.
I was too broken to see
That you were broken, too.


Author: Yolette Baca

Image: Shan Sheehan/Flickr

Editor: Lieselle Davidson

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