A reminder of how yoga feeds me.
How it holds me,
How it has become
My anchor.
To change our lives,
To heal our bodies,
To love madly and truly,
To thrive in our world,
We must be willing
To change.
We must wake up
The sleeping bits
And clean the soot off of
Our hearts.
But change can be hard.
It can be oh so scary;
It can rattle us
But still, we must.
Change begins
With our current
State of mind,
Perhaps it can only think small
For now.
To move through
A flow of postures,
As simple
Or as complicated
As you need,
You begin to breathe
Life into the dark corners,
Marrying your awareness
To your breath—
Allowing your cells
And your old stuck
Thought patterns
To be flushed out—
Like a slate wiped clean.
In this way, we begin
To expand our ability
To conceive a brighter path
For ourselves,
And for the world.
Over time this becomes
A foundation.
Do not be fooled—
It makes no difference
What your outfit looks like,
Whether you are flexible
Or not—
Whether you can touch your toes
Or not.
Those are irrelevant
What matters
Is that you are choosing
To change,
Choosing to expand your
Willing to meet your personal edge
Of what’s possible
For you.
Reach below the surface
Of your relationship with life,
Sense below the surface
Of your outer body;
The breath,
The movements,
The change in routine,
Will begin
Bit by sweet bit,
To re-route those internal
Plugging you in
To your source,
Your power,
Your wild,
Your truth—
Whatever that may be
For you.
Like a radio signal,
Sometimes we need
To change the dial
So we can tune in
To the music
Of our most authentic self.
To awaken the life
We vision or yearn for,
We must be willing
To turn down
A different road
From time to time.
Be willing to
Let life find you.
Author: Jennifer Rose
Image: Natalia Drepina/DeviantArt
Editor: Lieselle Davidson
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