May 23, 2017

This British Bodybuilder’s Reaction to the Manchester Attacks has gone Viral on Facebook—for Good Reason.

“Hopefully, I can change somebody’s way of thinking today before they post something or say something that they don’t really mean.”  

Aaron Lambo is a British bodybuilder, personal trainer, gym owner, and social media personality. He posted this video on his Facebook hours after the world woke up to the news of the most deadly attack in Britain since the 2005 London bombings.

Twenty-two people lost their lives last night, and 59 were injured, according to the latest reports from police, but Aaron also remembers the less obvious potential victims in the wake of these kinds of terrorist attacks.

Terrorists seek to spread hate and to divide us. Instead, let’s do this.


Maybe I will lose followers with this video about the MANCHESTER ATTACK but to be honest if you are that uneducated I don’t want you following me anyway..

Hopefully, I can change somebody’s way of thinking today before they post something or say something that they don’t really mean. And before they create hatred against somebody that has done NOTHING wrong..

For the victims families, stay strong!!

Posted by Aarron Lambo on Tuesday, 23 May 2017



“Can I just take this opportunity to remind you all that Mr Mohammed from your local shop wasn’t involved in last nights attacks in Manchester. Neither was Mrs Azeer from Lloyds Bank or her family. Abdul, a the taxi driver, was watching the news in horror along with everyone else.

The people behind last night’s attacks weren’t Muslims, they were extremists using religion as vindication for their cowardice.

Please, I urge each and everyone of you, do not lay blame at the doors of the innocent just because of what they believe. They are no more to blame for Manchester terrorist attack than you are.

We are one world and one family. Treat each other as such, because what happened last night should bring us closer together, not make us lash out against our neighbours for a perceived religious affiliation, the very same Muslims offering free lifts, Muslim doctors and nurses trying to save lives.” ~ Aly Lewis, commenter


Author: Khara-Jade Warren

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