July 28, 2017

Do little Mindful Actions really Matter?

One of our original columnists was a wonderful mama, Joanna. You can read her beautiful collage-like familyific arty articles here.

She and her husband (you can read his articles, here) had been living in Boulder, when we met. Boulder is a eco-minded town (though, in many ways, not eco at all). They then moved to Houston to live with family. I don’t know anything about Houston, but most of their friends are not self-identifying hippies there, it’s safe to say. They live in a good Christian community, a more mainstream American community, whatever that means. A #MAGA community, perhaps.

So, we just had this touch-in dialogue, on le FB, and I thought a part of our discussion worth sharing with you. 

Waylon: How’s everything–love, family? Family looks amazing!

Joana: Thank you! Yeah, Nathan and I just celebrated 14 years….I think we are very unconventional for Houston, but we try to keep some of that Boulder creativity in our hearts. It keeps us fun. We’ve been learning a lot about cultural appropriation lately, with Houston, that’s why he cut off his dreads the other day. It’s funny that he came to Boulder to cut them off though, so many blonde guys who look like that there, not at all in H-town!

Sometimes I really wish that we can move back here to Boulder – we’re here now. We would fit in better. But I think we are shining a light of some sort in Houston. We have a lot of single friends who seem to depend on our stability for support. Just last week I was sitting in my recycled crafts area at peace camp Houston and my friend who’s an activist was saying that he didn’t think people can make any real change in the world with their choices, (meaning my recycled fashion that thing I do with kids! Lol). That you have to be active on the government level to effect any real change. It kind of threw me because it makes sense, but it’s so not that whole message of “be green, be eco save the world superheroes” that was kind of the elephant/movement a few years back. It’s got me thinking- a little, but I still want to make recycled superhero cuffs.

Waylon: well, it’s both. Obviously. Folks like that gent are right on–but at the same time, it’s the small actions and kindnesses that move the world, that add up.
You all being in Houston is so much more powerful and brave than being in Boulder. You’re standing out and offering a reference point for folks for another way of being.

Every single thought, action, kindness–it adds up. His logic is right on, but can be an excuse to be a dick or give up in everyday life. That said, yes, we need huge overall guidance and leadership to really affect change–but we won’t have that, ever, without a groundswell of support from the grassroots–you.

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