August 3, 2017

The Intoxication of Love. {Poem}

Sometimes, a love comes along that wakes our conscience from the deep slumber of monotony and routine.

The intoxication of a love like this can cause us to question our very existence. Our devotion and loyalty is surrendered to our lover within a moment of illogical decision—a matter clearly for the heart, and not the mind.


The spell was cast,
And I fell
Into your bliss
Without fear.

The fire around me
Burned inside my soul,
The taste of passion and euphoria
And the promise of forever in a single moment.

With each caress,
Something inside me lit up,
And every touch made me crave more
Until I could not stand to be without.

You filled my senses like a drug,
Each taste led to more desire
Until the fire inside was unquenchable
The thirst unsatisfied.

Each thought, every smile, every word
Left me craving more,
Until I jumped inside your skin
Leaving me filled in a way that nothing could.

And when you were gone,
Every thought in my head was you.
Every smell in the air reminded me of your kiss.
Every sound was your voice in my ears.

Your soul had married mine,
Leaving the taste of you penetrating my body.
No drug could fill the ache and emptiness
That you left behind.

Devoted to your love,
Never wanting to let go,
Knowing that it was never enough
And always too much.


When we find a love that that cracks open our soul, embrace this gift. We may find, within the depths of our lover’s soul, the answers to the questions that our own soul has cried out for. Whether we have them in our life for a moment or a lifetime, we will never be the same again.




To the Love that was Never Forever—Thank You.

I Want.



Author: Stephanie Parry
Image: movie still
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy Editor: Travis May
Social Editor: Cat Monkman

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