December 30, 2017

5 New Year’s Songs that Don’t Suck.

Welcome 2018.

With every year that goes by, there’s one thing that never changes for me—my deep love and passion for music. Nothing brings me more joy and comfort than enjoying a favorite song…and sharing music with others takes that joy to a whole new level.

And, while many of us look to the new year with hope and expectations, let’s also remember to fully enjoy the present moment that is before us. Sometimes, all it takes to be more “in the moment” is listening to a good song.

So, with that sentiment in mind, I’d like to offer a few songs we can enjoy as the year flips from 2017 to 2018.

A lot of “New Year’s” songs are not very good. (I mean, we’ve all heard our fair share of bad holiday music, I’m sure?) So, here is my attempt to offer a few “New Year’s” songs that don’t suck—and that are something a little different than the traditional (but expected) “Auld Lang Syne.”

I hope you enjoy!


1. “New Year’s Resolution” by Otis Redding & Carla Thomas.


2. New Year’s Eve by Mal Blum. (Warning: this one has a little F-bomb!)



3. This Will Be Our Year by The Zombies.


4. “New Year” by FM Belfast


5. “New Year’s Day” by Act As If. (This is a U2 cover—but including original seemed way too obvious. And honestly, I’m not really a U2 fan, but this is a good cover version of this song!)

Happy New Year!


**Author’s note: This marks the eighth installment of this column. It is my pleasure and privilege to curate and offer these songs for your listening enjoyment.

So, as this side of our virtual turntable scratches to an end, I shall lift the needle up…until we meet again.

Catch you on the flip side.



Catch you on the Flip Side: 6 Songs to Fall in Love To.


Author/Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Image: Pixabay
Copy editor: Molly Murphy

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