December 19, 2017

This Impeachment Carol is Everything.

If the last year or two has given you a stress headache, you are not alone!

The current administration has provided us with a plot line that resembles a low-budget horror film about a dystopian world. Every day, we wake up to news that can’t possibly be true.

Like President Trump suggesting that the CDC ban words like “science-based” and “evidence-based.” Or when he offers a judicial nominee who’s so unqualified that he can’t answer basic questions about the law. Or any one of the, um, presidential tweets we’ve seen any day of the year.


As we approach the holidays, many of us may be filled with a little more bah-humbug than Christmas spirit, but I guarantee that this carol will turn all that around. Now This posted the impeachment carol that everyone needed to lift their holiday spirits and send us into the new year with a tiny glimmer of hope.

May this fun twist on a classic holiday song be of benefit and lift those holiday spirits higher!




Author: Crystal Jackson
Image: Whitehouse.gov; Twitter; Facebook
Editor: Catherine Monkman
Copy Editor: Travis May
Social Editor: Molly Murphy

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