February 22, 2018

I get Nervous when you hold My Gaze during Sex. {Poem}

Warning: adult content ahead!


I get nervous when you hold my gaze during sex.

Stop seeing me
When you never see me
Like this,
With those eyes,
Outside of these sheets.

Because you only call me “baby”
When you’re inside me.

Where is the love I watch you thrust into my soul
With every hump?

Because I’m versed enough to feel the differences in
And making love.

So stop making love to me
If you can not continue its strings
In daylight.

For I do not deal in unfair musings.


Watch Waylon and Brooklynn chat (live) about sex:


Author: Brooklynn Bosworth
Image: Author’s own
Editor: Callie Rushton
Copy Editor: Kenni Linden

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