February 27, 2018

The 5 Best Songs for Cleaning the House.

Life can’t be all yoga classes and sunshine.

Sometimes there are just mundane jobs that need to get done—and if we can turn even cleaning the toilet and mopping the floor into a self-care afternoon of being in the present moment while enjoying some good tunes, then we will notice that we are really getting some mastery over our life.

Part of loving ourselves is being willing to complete those tasks that bring us an increased quality of life when we acheive them.

While there is nothing wrong with having a less-than-shiny house (and being able to leave a mess can be a sign of a relaxed mind), it also feels amazing to clean up the dirt, tidy the papers, and feel like your physical world is in order.

Of course, the best way to turn a house-cleaning afternoon into a fun task is music! And, especially if you like to dance, music has a magical way of making the mundane festive.

Below are five groovy tunes to turn this weekend’s cleaning tasks into a time of funky, in-the-moment presence.

Happy house cleaning!




6 Songs to Let the Groove Fall into your Life.

This Melancholy Version of A-ha’s “Take On Me” is my New Autumn Soundtrack.


Author: Ruth Lera
Image: Pixabay
Editor: Yoli Ramazzina
Copy Editor: Callie Rushton

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