March 27, 2018

About the Advertising on Elephant. ~ Waylon Lewis

Advertising’s got a bad rap. I get it. 

If the world would stop selling us stuff we don’t need, that’s made of plastic, made overseas where folks don’t have adequate labor or environmental safety rights…that would be great.

If PR folks would stop spinning hype out of kernels of truth, that’d be great.

That said, there’s nothing wrong with money. Making money is one of the five keys to Right Livelihood, in the Buddhist tradition. Paying your bills is a good thing. Being able to afford good, simple, real, healthy food is a good thing.

Elephant works with sponsors who we believe in, and who we believe offer something genuine to you, our readers, our community.

So when you support them, with clicks and curiosity and, perhaps, your hard-won dollar, you support Elephant and our staff and writers doing good work for you.

When you subscribe, it goes to our survival and, well, thrival.

When you join Elephant Academy, you help us to help you and help us to help our 5 million readers a month.

So whatever your action, when you get involved in Elephant (even if it’s “just” writing or choosing to open our newsletter), you help mindfulness, a community devoted to dialogue even and especially with those we might disagree with on occasion, and independent media devoted to serving sanity and empathy to grow in power and awareness.

Life is short. This wild world needs some help. Let’s be of benefit—and have some fun doing so.


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Waylon Lewis  |  Contribution: 890,740