March 30, 2018

How to Find your Dream Job.

“It takes bravery to live a life you love. To do work you care about, that brings you joy, that helps others—and that pays the bills. That’s because this life, often, is found off the beaten path. But there are those who can help you. You’re not alone. It takes a community to mentor, to share, to learn and comfort and celebrate.” ~ Waylon Lewis


Invest in yourself. Find your path. Find your voice. Find your community. Apply to join Elephant Academy, our online 6 or 12-week courses in finding your voice, improving your writing, growing your social media followings and discovering your right livelihood. Do well and do good. Find out more by clicking here.


Summer 2019 Course Options:

The Writing Course: May 22 – June 26, 2019
Tuition: $600

The Social Media Course: July 10 – August 14, 2019
Tuition: $600

The Writing & Social Media Course: May 22 – August 14, 2019
Tuition: $1,200 $900 (Save $300 when you enroll in both courses together)


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