3.8 Editor's Pick
July 5, 2018

A quote from a Republican for all Americans.

How was your July 4th Independence Day celebration?

What are we celebrating? We can’t celebrate what’s happening in this country right now—gutting the State Department, gutting the Energy Department (oops—it makes sure nuclear weapons are kept track of) gutting and corruption in our EPA, invective from left and right on Twitter, a President so full of lies and hate that he’s inspired millions to follow his path…

But we can celebrate good, simple food. Community. Being alive. That’s what I did, on my fourth, in a simple high-up mountain town.

Of course, not everyone has access to good, simple food. Sometimes, my mom and I didn’t, when I was growing up. But we had safe streets and I had a good education. So appreciate your privilege, whatever form it may come in. And use it, use it, use it to care for others.

With big love to each and every one of you.

I’ll leave you with this quote, by a Republican, worth listening to:

 “I never mind picking up new titles. Mr. Universe, Mr. Olympia, Terminator, Governor. If you want to call me snowflake, that’s fine— it would have made an excellent Mr. Freeze line. But let me give you some advice. If you are going to call somebody a snowflake because they believe in a different policy than you, you might want to look in the mirror. When you see an idea you disagree with, you can get angry, or you can learn. I’d recommend you research and learn and grow. You can still disagree—that’s the best part about being American. But at least you can disagree with evidence and analysis. We can all be better if we simply don’t react. ? Pause, reflect, learn and then decide if you want to call somebody a snowflake. Good luck with everything.” ~ Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger 

One more:



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