July 5, 2018

For the Mothers, Sisters & Children. {Poem Series}

Starting with Our Own

From the hot sands
of the Texas-Mexico border
the newscaster crossed the line
from objective to human.
She said when we become mothers
we become sisters to all mothers.

We say, yes—
When we become adults
we become guardians to all children
and siblings to all people.
We challenge the forces
that violate, separate
and silence—
starting with our own.

We check the temptation
to criticize or dehumanize
even the oppressor—
starting with our own.
We hold our hymn through the holler,
follow our light through the thunder of

you can’t, you’re not, you don’t
your body is my body
your heart is my collateral
your mind is my dogma.

We choose the common sense of love
over the common error of fear—
starting with our own.
We blaze our praise-song

we can, we are, we do
our body is our own
our heart is on fire
our minds are united

We cherish the child
who only has sounds to say

I need
I love
I am


“If this is not an assault on humanity, I ask you, Melania Trump, Ivanka Trump—Ivanka Trump loves to Instagram beautiful photos of she and her children. Besides the pictures she posts and how she says she’s an advocate for women, a devoted mother, when you become a mother, you become a sister to all other mothers.” ~ Stephanie Ruhle, MSNBC



When I fear my voice doesn’t count
I stay silent.
When I trust my voice counts
I speak for the silenced.
And they start to speak.
And their voice joins my voice to make our voice.
And through the chorus we find
our note of the
one song.



We give one person a castle and another a cage.
Would we treat our children this way?
We know they belong in one home.
Love makes space.
Love legislates
as a family.


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Rebecca Tolin

author: Rebecca Tolin

Image: Author's Own

Editor: Catherine Monkman