July 26, 2018

August 8th—8:8 Supercharged Energy as Lion’s Gate Portal Opens.

Relephant reads:
>> The Lion’s Gate Meditation that Rekindled the Flame within my Soul.
>> Lion’s Gate promised Sh*t would get Thick—15 things to Help.
>> A Guide for Empaths & Sensitive People to the Lion’s Gate.


*Whether astrology is science or magic, we’re open to most things, if they may be of benefit. ~ Ed.


Cosmic energy has been amplified and has felt immensely intense for some weeks now—and many people are feeling exhausted, wondering how much more they can handle.

This high frequency energy is on a pivot that peaks on the 8th of August during the sun’s passage through the Leo constellation of the zodiac, due to a connection between the star Sirius, the Great Central Sun, Earth’s sun, Earth’s grid point, Orion’s Belt, and the the Great Pyramid of Giza. Fortunately from there, we will start to notice life settling back down to a more relaxed and manageable level.

The Lion’s Gate portal activates when Earth and the sun align with Sirius, which is far bigger and brighter than Earth’s sun and is known as the “spiritual sun.” Ancient stargazers believed that due to Sirius and the sun rising and setting at approximately the same time, the combined heat caused many places on Earth to experience extreme weather conditions. This is likely the reason that over the next few days, many areas are expecting to record their hottest day in history.

Each year on July 26th, the sun, the earth, and the star Sirius move to specific points in the sky, creating an opening between the physical and spiritual worlds. On the 8th of August, the alignment reaches its highest point, and this gateway is known as the “8:8 Lion’s Gate” due to it peaking on August 8th in Leo, represented by a lion.

Sirius rises each year during midsummer and is associated with new beginnings, new insights, new light, new awareness, and new thinking, and brings with it new levels of conscious awakening.

The surge of light waves emanating from Sirius carry an influx of divine wisdom and advanced knowledge from higher realms (known as ascension light codes) that stream toward our planet, and when integrated through our energy field, are said to awaken our consciousness, and activate our DNA.

It is thought that while this energy portal is open, Sirius’ rays infiltrate planet Earth and help accelerate our personal and spiritual evolution. 

The connection between Sirius and the sun intensifies this energy, as they each radiate powerful, high vibrations. This gifts Earth a brief and rare opportunity (known as a “star gate”) to absorb the energy from the two brightest and most supercharged celestial bodies in our sky.

A star gate is a portal that allows rapid travel between dimensions of two distant locations in the universe. It is a time for life-altering and transformative happenings that encourage us to stop procrastinating and work rapidly toward our goals and dreams. It is known as a beneficial period whereby plans we have been trying to manifest for some time quickly and effortlessly become a reality.

The Lion’s Gate energy is connected to the heart centre and is symbolic of feminine courage, expression, and strength. It is known to help us emotionally, physically, and spiritually prepare for the next chapter in our lives. 

The effects of this energy will likely show in signs of increased anxiety, irritability, frustration, impatience, lethargy, and forgetfulness, as we move toward a major junction in our lives–and there is no going back. Once we cross over the threshold on August 8th, we will be making decisions about important aspects of our life, so the Lion’s Gate portal really is a “before and after” stage—from that date onward, our lives may change beyond recognition. 

This portal is capable of opening up and nourishing our heart chakra and bringing a tangible energetic wave filled with unconditional love for those who are open and willing to receive it.

The number eight is associated with creativity, harmony, abundance, balance, power, and material rewards, and when the number is laid on its side, it is also the symbol for infinity.

This means we are at a stage where we have a rare opportunity to receive an influx of spiritual wisdom that offers infinite possibilities and resources to create and maintain a prosperous and abundant life. Therefore, it is most definitely a time to take control of what we want and to passionately put our desires into action. 

It is also a time for purging anything that is no longer in alignment with our authentic selves; therefore, bad habits and anything destructive in our lives—including obsessions, repetitive thinking, and toxic relationships—will naturally disintegrate. To assist this, our focus needs to be on letting go of attachments to people, belongings, or situations that have caused trauma and turbulence so we can transcend old patterns of behavior and move toward beautiful connections with affectionate, authentic souls.

We can then start to live the life we were born for—one filled with magnificent experiences that touch and enrich every part of our mind, body, and soul. 

To activate and absorb these light codes, it is recommended to meditate each morning and evening throughout this period to maintain a harmonic vibration so that we are easily able to resonate with and magnetise whatever it is we are hoping to attract and receive.

Spend as much time as possible in a calm, centered state of mind, visualizing the waves of illuminated energy streaming from the skies and entering our energetic and physical bodies through our crown chakra. At the same time, keep the mind pure in thought, free from negativity, and repeat affirmations that are in alignment with the exact life we want to manifest. 

The start of the Lion’s Gate energy occurs just one day before the full moon eclipse, and the combined energy forces soul growth and catapults us in an entirely new direction. When our divine light fully activates, we will awaken to our unique gifts and be able to reach our highest potential here on Earth. We will then exist each day filled with love and immersed in gratitude for the highly abundant, rewarding, and purposeful life we are blessed to be living.

The 8th of August will be a potent, high frequency, and intense day, so for those who are ultra sensitive to energy it is a day to sit it out, take a break from normal activity, and take shelter from the energetic storm.

During highly charged energy portals, such as star gates, we may notice the following:

>> Feeling more emotional and tearful.

>> People from our past reappear, so we have the chance to learn valuable lessons, to make amends, or to forgive and release once and for all.

>> Physiological symptoms may manifest, such as flu-like symptoms, ear-ringing, or aches and pains.

>> Frequent anxiety or feeling panicky without a clear reason, as well as bouts of fear about the future.

>> We might “know” things without logical explanation and find it difficult to explain the source of our information.

>> Temporary loss of memories, forgetting things, misplacing items.

>> Time appearing to go extremely slow or fast.

>> Becoming more accountable for our behaviour and actions.

>> Disrupted sleep, insomnia, and waking between the hours of 2:00 to 5:00 a.m.

>> Premonitions, and vivid dreams or nightmares.

>> Seeing and feeling energy such as orbs, sparks, or flashes of light, and noticing energy warming the palms of hands.

>> Seemingly “out the blue” bouts of loneliness, anxiety, stress, irritability, frustration, sadness, nervousness, worry, fear, grief, overwhelm, and sudden mood swings.

>> Sensitive to light, tastes, touch, and noise—particularly tones of voice.

>> Feeling as though huge change is about to happen.

>> Awakening to past mistakes and no longer repeating them.

>> Chronic fatigue; being around other people feels draining.

>> Feeling zoned and spaced out, or ungrounded.

>> Appreciating that all life is sacred.

>> High intuition, sudden insights, heightened awareness, enhanced compassion and empathy, seeing things with clarity, and receiving answers or resolutions to ongoing issues.

>> Releasing, healing, and letting go of the past.

>> Overthinking and obsessing over tiny details.

>> Noticing synchronicities, i.e. number patterns reappearing.

>> Consciously aware of other people’s energy fields and being highly sensitive to negativity.

>> Becoming aware of certain things we have been conditioned to believe.

>> A growing discomfort around certain family members, friends, or work colleagues.

>> Preferring to spend time alone in introspection.

>> Struggles with communication, arguments, disagreements.

To combat these symptoms we can:

>> Drink plenty of filtered water (not tap water).

>> Take saltwater baths.

>> Meditate and remain aware of reoccurring thoughts and feelings.

>> Avoid caffeine and alcohol.

>> Spend time in nature.

>> Consume high-vibrational foods, such as fruit and vegetables.

>> Remind ourselves that everything in the universe is made up of energy.


Disclaimer: If you experience any of the symptoms listed here, please also seek the advice of a medical professional. The above symptoms are commonly noted during major cosmic events, however, there may be other medical-related causes.


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Alex Myles  |  Contribution: 68,980

author: Alex Myles

Image: Pixabay

Editor: Catherine Monkman

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