September 12, 2018

Balancing our Solar & Lunar Energies to Awaken our Consciousness.

I live a few minutes’ walk from the Pacific Ocean.

Every evening, people gather on the bluff overlooking the beach to witness the sunset.

As the sky changes colors and the sun nudges the horizon, everyone gets very quiet—why?

It is a threshold moment.
Thresholds are sacred turning points that mark the place where what is ending has not yet transformed into what it is about to be. Each evening, we gather at the threshold—the crossing point from day to night—and watch as the sun dips into the sea.

For the meditator, every moment is a threshold.
Every breath has the potential to be a sacred turning point, a chance for the outmoded patterns of being to dissolve into the ocean of consciousness—and to be reborn.


This week’s Nano Teaching examines how meditation practice builds our capacity to release all that is outmoded into the ocean of being—and to be reborn in the process.

This Nano Teaching is an excerpt. It’s from a longer teaching  originally offered to the Wisdom Heart Community, the place for people who are tired of spirituality-lite and are ready to go deep. Click Here to learn more.

Join the conversation: What have you learned from your dreams

Life offers infinite opportunities for us to awaken, to realize, and to embody truth.

Why wait? Let’s go deeper together.

Love and Shanti,

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Eric Klein  |  Contribution: 21,580

author: Eric Klein

Image: Justin Dickey/Unsplash

Editor: Kelsey Michal