September 8, 2018

How to Find Peace Beyond our Busy Minds.

I grew up in New York City but don’t visit there often.

However, I was in town to speak at a conference recently. The event was in the Marriott Times Square, and I stayed in that same hotel.

My room had a strange view. The wall-length window faced directly onto a flashing, neon billboard. Pulsing lights. Changing colors. Dramatic imagery.

Kind of like the mind.

It only takes a few moments of meditation practice to realize that the untrained mind is like a flashing, neon billboard, complete with dramatic imagery.

How can we relate to thoughts in a way that awakens peace and cultivates wisdom?

This week’s Nano Teaching explores how:

This Nano Teaching is an excerpt. It’s from a longer teaching  originally offered to the Wisdom Heart Community. Ready for some neti, neti, neti? The Wisdom Heart Community is the place for people who are tired of “spirituality-lite” and ready to go deeper. 

Please join in the conversation: what happens when you let go of thought? 

Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Love & Shanti,

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Eric Klein  |  Contribution: 21,580

author: Eric Klein

Image: Lady Orlando/Flickr

Editor: Lieselle Davidson